Published: 3rd July 2015
Publisher: Bookouture
Available in Paperback and on Kindle
Dance like nobody’s watching. Love like you’ll never get hurt…
Laura Watkin’s heart isn’t broken, she’s just forgotten how to use it.
After years on her own, the highlight of single mum Laura’s week is watching Strictly Come Dancing with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a large helping of imagination.
With her daughter Sophie going travelling, Laura knows the time is right to do something for herself for a change. One disastrous Zumba class later and Laura ends up at the feet (literally) of gorgeous dance instructor Tony Hernandez.
A natural dancer and inspiring teacher, Tony rekindles in Laura a passion she inherited from her ballroom dancer father – and with it comes a dream… to make him proud.
But when Tony enters them to perform at the National Dance Festival, can Laura’s new-found confidence survive the test? And with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn Flamenco in Spain, could Laura truly learn to dance like nobody’s watching… and love like she’ll never get hurt?
A laugh-out-loud, uplifting comedy about finding the courage to be yourself, the importance of dreams, and learning to grab life by the glitter balls.
Laura Watkin’s heart isn’t broken, she’s just forgotten how to use it.
After years on her own, the highlight of single mum Laura’s week is watching Strictly Come Dancing with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a large helping of imagination.
With her daughter Sophie going travelling, Laura knows the time is right to do something for herself for a change. One disastrous Zumba class later and Laura ends up at the feet (literally) of gorgeous dance instructor Tony Hernandez.
A natural dancer and inspiring teacher, Tony rekindles in Laura a passion she inherited from her ballroom dancer father – and with it comes a dream… to make him proud.
But when Tony enters them to perform at the National Dance Festival, can Laura’s new-found confidence survive the test? And with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn Flamenco in Spain, could Laura truly learn to dance like nobody’s watching… and love like she’ll never get hurt?
A laugh-out-loud, uplifting comedy about finding the courage to be yourself, the importance of dreams, and learning to grab life by the glitter balls.
Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams is the second book by Sue
Watson that I have read. After reading and loving Snow Angels, Secrets and
Christmas cake last Christmas I was eager to read Sue’s next book and was so
glad to find I loved it just as much. Sue’s writing style is witty, honest and
heart-warming and it brings to life her ordinary characters and makes them feel
very real.
Laura is a forty-something single mum who has spent her life
trying to give her daughter Sophie everything she never had as a child. As the
story starts poor Sophie has been left standing at the alter and is now in
tears outside the church, her heart completely crushed by the man she thought
would give her the perfect life. Laura, also heart-broken at the prospect at
having to pay for the non-wedding after hours of overtime, is crushed even
further when Sophie reveals that she doesn’t want to end up like her mother:
sad and alone with only the television and a glass of wine for comfort with no
ambition in her life. Devastated by the way her daughter views her life Laura
vows to add a little bit more spice into her life. After a disastrous Zumba
class Laura meets Tony a dance instructor who helps Laura to slowly ignite her
passion for dancing and so “Lola” is born.
I found Laura a really easy character to relate to,
sometimes we all fall into a rut with the everyday routine of working and
bringing up children, so to have all that hard work and effort thrown back in
your face is hard to take, especially if it comes from your own daughter. Some people might sulk and moan about their
life but Laura hasn’t she’s just got on with it to help her daughter have the
best life possible, so I was pleased when she decided to do something for
herself and follow her dancing dreams. As soon as Laura starts to dance the
passion she has inside her just oozed off the paged and I just loved Tony for
helping her to become the wonderful and outgoing and very brave “Lola” that she
deserved to be.
This is a hilarious and uplifting novel full of laughs and
comedy moments which had me chuckling all the way through. Although Laura has
to endure a little heartache along the way, she ultimately ends up as the
stronger more confident women she longs to be and makes her mum and daughter
proud of her. It’s a novel which leaves you thinking “I can do that” which I
found very inspiring. So if you have hidden dreams let this little gem with its
glitter and sequins work its magic and inspire you to follow your dreams just
like Laura did.
I’d like to thank Bookouture for sending me an arc copy to
review, I loved it and would like to rate it a very sparkly 5/5.
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