Anyway here's what I've managed to read this month:

I'm glad to say this month I haven't been sent too my physical books by publishers as I really want to try and clear some off my tbr pile. Here's what I've received:

Again this month Netgalley has been my downfall, I just love that site and wish so much I could read faster! Here's what I've been lucky enough to add to my kindle:

This month I would probably have finished more books except I've been dipping in and out of a number of different books, here's what I'm currently reading:
Quite a selection don't you think but I'm finding some are best read at night and some are not as they're a little creepy.
So finally my book of the month for April has to be
I adored this book but I'm really struggling with writing the review as I just can't seem to do it justice. All I can say is go and buy this wonderful book and lose yourself in the village of Talting and Rose's world and I'll try finish my review this month!
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